Bee House Brew Guide 

Step 1

Measure out your desired amount of coffee beans and grind them to medium fine, or as fine as table salt.

Step 2

Fold your filter down the scalloped edges and place it in the Bee House Brewer, place the brewer on top of your mug or pitcher.

Step 3

Rinse the filter before you begin brewing and preheat your brewer and mug. Pour out the rinse water before brewing.

Step 4

Place your cup with the Bee House Brewer and filter on top of your scale, and add your grounds to the filter. Zero out the scale.

Step 5

Start your timer and begin pouring hot water using circular motions. Pause and give them a stir once saturated to break up the clumps. You should see the coffee bed rise and bubble.

Step 6

Pour the water evenly in a slow spiral over the coffee bed until the brew is filled to the top. Pour over the dark spots and avoid the light ones. The weight should be up to 380 grams by 1 minute.

Step 7

Once the timer reaches 2 minutes, your mug should be almost full. Add cream if desired and enjoy!